الهواء إلى مضخة حرارة الماء

Making hot water with cold air. With an تخزين الطاقة to water heat pump, cold airs turn out to be hot waters. This Micoe air water heat pump is a very neat machine that extracts the warmth from ambient air and uses it to heat up your hot water. Its operation is not too different from how a refrigerator transports heat from one place to another. Ice cream and freezing are out, but the concept is similar in nature to that of a heat pump it pulls warmth back from outside your house and heats up some water.

يمكن لمضخات تسخين الهواء إلى الماء أن تساعد الأرض

The air to water heat pump will not only be beneficial for you, but also it is the best solution that our planet earth could ever have. This Micoe خزان مياه uses the energy from nature, for example wind water but not requires oil or coal to operate. City like Melbourne, if you live here then air to water heat pump would be an amazing option. That way you can minimize your carbon pollution and that means less of an impact on the earth while still letting you heat water for a shower or washing clothes. Isn’t that great? It’s a win-win situation

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