For pool heating technology there is several of a way to heat the pool abetment using solar. The most common method is through solar panels. These are usually placed on your rooftop or over the ground around you swimming pool. They collect a lot of heat from the sun during day and put it in to your pool water. After you have it set up this way, then all the other taps simply open and close which enables you to utilize less energy in obtaining just the hot water required. In some cases the pools are covered with solar blankets, as well as the Micoe's veesoojendi päikeseenergia. These are floating covers that cover the entire surface of the pool and allow it to capture heat during hot days with sun. That way the water remains cozy, as well you get to appreciate take a dip into a pool when it is not scorching hot warm exterior.
Energiaarved: tänapäeval, eriti kui väljas on palav ja kõik tahavad ujuda, sama soojuspump air con uuendas Micoe. Hea uudis on see, et päikeseenergiaga basseini soojendamisega saate selle pealt palju säästa. Päikesekütte kui sellise praegust raevu arvestades ei ole teie basseini soojendamiseks vaja energiat ja seda ei hangitata sellest kallist igapäevasest elektriarve langusest, vaid tasuta meie enda Malaisia FiT-i (Feed in Tarif) nõuetele vastava ja heakskiidetud Surface Solar Heating'i kaudu. Süsteem. Muidugi annab see aja jooksul märkimisväärse kokkuhoiu. Lisaks on teil lubatud palju rohkem ujumisaega ilma selle sooja vee hoidmise kuludeta. Nüüd saate terve päeva oma lähedastega ujuda – see on lõbus – täiesti tasuta.
Oma päikesebasseini küttepaneeli ehitamise veel üks eelis, see on keskkonnale parem, sarnaselt Micoe tootega, nagu näiteks basseini soojuspump. See ei eralda isegi mitte ühtki tükki saastavaid gaase, mis meie planeeti soojendavad. Päikesevalgus, mis läbib intelligentset kasvuhoonegaase, neelab atmosfääris, see paneb sooja õhu säilitama ja soojendab meie planeeti. Veelgi enam, basseini soojendamine päikeseenergiaga on keskkonnasõbralik. Keskkonnasõbralik küte, see ei eralda ka õhku saastumist. Teisisõnu saate nautida oma basseinis hullamist ja päästa samal ajal maailma.
Making the decision to switch is a practical choice so as it is not only money saving but it means less long term energy costs on your end, just like the soojuspumbaga kliimaseadmed Micoe poolt. Lisaks võib see väärtust tõsta, kui soovite kunagi oma kodu päikeseenergiabasseini müüa. See on suur kasu. Seetõttu on päikesebasseini küttesüsteemid väga vähese hooldusega (kui üldse) ja kestavad tavaliselt 10–20 aastat. sobib teile suurepäraselt, sest see tähendab, et koolitatavad saavad vältida osade aeg-ajalt vahetamist, säästes nii raha kui ka aja jooksul ebamugavusi.
Nüüd saate sooja vett juua igal üksikul päeval aastas, ka talvel – basseini päikeseküttega, mis sarnaneb Micoe tootega nagu veesoojendi paak. Need labad, mille sagarid on valmis päikeseprillide ajal päikesekiired kinni püüdma ja vastavalt soojendama, edastavad selle soojuse teie basseinile tagasi. Ujumisbasseini soojus Päikesepaneelid aitavad hästi ka basseini soojust üle öö hoida, kui õhtud on jahedad ja korralik temperatuur. Väga mugav aeg, mil saab nüüd peaaegu sügisel ujuda. Sa ei saa kunagi jahedas vees sulistada.
Micoe is a leading figure in Solar pool heating for solar thermal applications which has produced three international standards and more than 30 of the national ones We have undertaken numerous research projects including IEA SHC TASK54/55/68/69 Micoe's quality control system is extremely rigorous Enjoy peace of mind thanks to Micoe's comprehensive quality control system and stringent product coding for traceability Our experienced after-sales staff in Europe is committed to resolving any product or technical issues ensuring your continuous satisfaction Micoe is a reliable company that provides long-term support and a wide range of services to help you on your renewable energy journey Join us in creating a sustainable future driven by the highest standards and experience
Solar pool heating was established in the year 2000 and has grown to become a major player in the solar thermal market. The main products it offers are Solar Water Heater (SWH), Air Source Heat Pump (AHP), Lithium Battery and Water Purifier. Micoe is a specialist in the research, development and use of renewable energy sources to provide the most comfortable environment and hot water heating. Micoe was the owner of five production centers with different products throughout China and the total number of employees is over 7200. Micoe's production base covers over 100,000 square meters and has a capacity for production of up to 80,000 heat pumps. Today, MICOE is the largest producer and distributor of Solar Water Heater and Air Source Water Heater in the world, exporting to over 100 countries and regions.
Are you searching for a reliable source of clean power for your home or your business? Micoe is the only name to consider. Our extensive product line covers many clean energy applications, including solar water heaters, Solar pool heating water heaters, PV and energy storage system, and EV charging. If you're looking for hot water, heating, cooling or storage for solar collectors, Micoe has you covered. With a focus on modern technologies and sustainable solutions, Micoe is the best choice to anyone looking for a comprehensive renewable energy system. Choose Micoe and fuel your future by using clean energy solutions that are a good fit for your needs.
Micoe founded the world's most extensive lab for solar water heaters as well as Solar pool heating, etc. located at the headquarter of Lianyungang. To ensure that Micoe's products are at the top of their field. Micoe has the CNAS accredited lab as well as the nation's Postdoctoral research workstation. We have invested USD2 million to construct the most advanced testing labs, which can test machines up to 300KW in extremely cold temperatures of -45°C. Micoe also has the sole solar simulator located in China. There are only three sets of this kind around the globe.