Kui tahtsite oma basseinis ujuda, kuid seal oli liiga külm. Kas arvasite, et sukeldumine tunduks nagu adrenaliinilaks, aga kui su jalg seda lõhkuvat vett tabas, tundus see nagu liustik? Noh, arvake ära? Tsirkulatsioon tähendab loomulikult filtreerimist, vee koorimist ja seisma jäämist. Miks siis mitte pingutada, et teie bassein oleks soe, kasutades igapäevast maasoojust? Nad mõistavad, kui oluline see teie jaoks on, mistõttu nad annavad selle Micoe basseini päikeseküte Sydneys, et saaksite aastaringselt ujumas käia! Samuti on see väga ökonoomne ja keskkonnale kahjutu.
Basseini päikeseküte: Päikeseenergia basseini küttekehad neelavad tõhusalt päikesevalgust, et tekitada ja seejärel säilitada soojust. Need kinnitatakse teie maja külge või piirkonda, kus on palju päikest!! Vesi läbib neid paneele torudega, mis lähevad sisse ja välja. Paneelid on loodud püüdma päikesevalgust ja kasutama seda energiat, mis kantakse läbi sees olevate torude voolavasse vette. Päikesepaneel soojendab basseinivet selle läbimisel, enne kui see basseini tagasi jõuab. Teisisõnu, saate soojendada terve basseini ja see on piisavalt soe, et ujuda!
Basseinide päikeseküte pole mitte ainult planeedi jaoks parem, vaid võib ka säästa palju raha igakuise kommunaalarve arvelt. Talvel ujumine võib olla väga põnev, kuid basseinisoojendid ei ole nii odavad, et neid pidevalt ööpäevaringselt kasutada (24 dollarit kuus), kuna kõik teised võitlevad selle eest, et kõik oleks mugav ja soe. Kui soojendate oma basseini päikesepaneelide abil, on see täiesti tasuta, rääkimata sellest, et see ei kasuta gaasi ega elektrit. See vähendab teie arveid ja teil on palju raha, et lõbutseda! Kahjulike gaaside tekitamine seal, kus elektrit toodetakse suuremas mahus, aitab ka päikeseenergia kõiki hädast välja.
Päikeseenergia ja basseiniküte käivad käsikäes: Päikesesüsteemi omamise eeliseks on võimalus ujuda siis, kui soovite, isegi talvel päikeseenergia basseini soojendusega! See oleks palju lõbusam kui nädalavahetusel või kogu selle lisatunni jooksul basseini puhastamine! Inimesel võib olla Micoe basseini päikeseküte operational at rainy weather. The suns heat continues to increase pool water temperature so you can continue using your swimming pool throughout the day. Grab one now!
Basseinis on lõbus ringi veeta, kuid päikeseküte on üks viis, kuidas muuta oma bassein veelgi mugavamaks ja samal ajal säästa raha. Sisene, Micoe päikeseküttega basseinid. It makes you feel good knowing that in some small way, by using free clean power from a renewable source the environment is benefitting. Stop wasting that money on heating your pool and use it to buy some cool stuff for the place — toys, floats a slide.
Founded in 2000, MICOE has become a leading company in the solar thermal industry and has a primary business of Solar Water Heater, Air Source Heat Pump, Lithium Battery and Solar heating a pool. Micoe is a specialist in the development, research and use of renewable energy in order to provide the most comfortable environment and hot water heating. Micoe owned 5 production bases with different products throughout China and its total workforce exceeds 7200. Micoe production capacity is in excess of 100,000m2 and has a capacity of 80,000 sets of heat pumps per month. Presently, MICOE is the largest manufacturer and retailer of Solar Water Heater and Air Source Water Heater in the world, exporting to more than 100 countries and areas.
You are looking for a reliable company for your household and commercial green energy requirements? Micoe is the only name you must know. Our wide range of products covers a variety of Solar heating a pool, such as solar water heating as well as heat pump water heating systems, PV and energy storage system, and EV chargers. If you require hot water, heating, cooling or solar collectors and storage, Micoe has you covered. Micoe, with its focus on sustainable solutions as well as innovative technologies, is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an entire clean energy system. Select Micoe and fuel your future by using clean energy solutions that can be yours.
Micoe has been a Solar heating a pool in international standard-drafting groups that focus on solar thermal applications which have developed 3 international standards and more than 30 standards from the national level We have also undertaken multiple research projects such as the IEA-SHC Task 54/55/68/69 This is why the quality control system of Micoe is strict Experience peace of mind with Micoe's complete quality control system and strict product code for traceability Our after-sales service staff in Europe are committed to solving any technical or product issues and making sure you are satisfied Micoe guarantees quality and reliability long-term support and a wide variety of services to assist you on your renewable energy journey Join us in creating a sustainable future built on excellence and knowledge
Micoe has established the first Solar heating a pool RD Building at Headquarters of Lianyungang and houses the world's largest laboratory equipment related to solar water heater as well as heat pumps and other. to make sure all our products to be leading the industry. Micoe has the CNAS-certified laboratory and the nation's Postdoctoral Research Workstation. We have also invested USD2 million in order to create the most up-to-date testing laboratories that test up to 300kW of power in extremely cold temperatures -45. Micoe also owns the only solar simulator in China. Only three sets of this type around the globe.